Hi there, I'm Cassidy

I started dancing as soon as I could walk. This began my evolution as a dancer and launched me into the light of my life as my other hobbies swiftly slipped away. I spent 20 years learning how to dance professionally, and the last 8 years learning how I danced before,  as a baby and a child with play, intention, and curiosity... captivated, and charmed. This is why I teach Gaga, to embody dance with the spirit and passion of my inner child. The one who danced for the essence of dance rather than the presentation of it.

I work with people who want to get in touch with their body for healing and nourishment.  My understanding is supported by my extensive study with Ohad Naharin and certification in Gaga, and is built on the foundation of acceptance, nourishment, spirit, passion, and energetic reciprocity. 

Tell me about it

Open Adult Dance Class - Gaga

Class will orient around how movement feels, rather than how it looks. There are no mirrors, and participants are guided to connect their movements to their sensations (flesh, skin, bones, temperature, sight, etc.) while amplifying the quality, range, dynamic, and texture of their movements. We move together, continuously for the whole session without pauses based on overlapping instructions. Injuries or limitations are welcome, as long as you listen to your body before telling it what to do. The only pain we want is the burning sensation in our muscles. We will sweat, dance, connect effort to pleasure, and get in touch with our silliness. The most important Gaga tool for me personally is the awareness of moving towards pleasure and joy with lightness, and intentionally away from pain and heaviness. Ages 16+ welcome.

To learn more about Cassidy's Gaga class offerings, visit…

Get ready for Gaga class

Work instructions

We work continuously

Stay physically engaged throughout the session, without stopping. You can play with the volume of your effort while preserving sensations that were already awakened.

We play with layers of information

The instructions are layered, and we continue to attend to the instructions already introduced – and to their impact on our bodies – throughout the class.

We listen to the body

Gaga’s instructions guide us to first listen to the body and discover its range of sensations before we tell it what to do. We encourage you to connect to pleasure, especially during effort.

We work with our eyes open

You are invited to be inspired by the teacher and by other people in the room or the Zoom. Please be aware of people around you and of the space.

We start on time

Arrive 15-20 minutes early to prepare yourself for class and find a place in the studio. There is no entry for latecomers. Our online classes open 10 minutes before class.

We take care of our bodies

If you have any limitation, restrictions, or physical pain due to illness or injury, stay sensitive to your body and adjust accordingly. The only pain welcome in Gaga is the burning sensation in our muscles.

We work quietly

During the session we do not speak unless instructed to use our voice or words.

We wear...

Comfortable clothes. Come prepared to work barefoot or in socks in the studio. Sneakers are welcome for online classes.

A glimpse of Gaga

Discovery. Openness. Availability. Wellbeing. Inspiration. Passion. Peek into our studio to get a sense of Gaga. Join us to awaken the scope of your sensations.

There Is no right or wrong way to move your body.

Did you know?

There is only what feels right or wrong for you yourself.  And all of those answers are in your sensations. 

The sensation of pain is not a place of fear but a place of acceptance.

The burning sensation in our muscles is a place where we nourish and generate heat.